
List Portal Instructions and Policy:

1. First time users need to 'click' the Log In/Register tab and complete the registration form.

2. Once the form is complete, the user can run counts but will not be able to place an order until Midwest Direct has updated the account for order processing. User will receive a 'Welcome' email after registration and then a second email to notify you of your account status and how to proceed with your order processing.

a. Click on the 'Start Search' Button

b. Determine what type of Geography you want to use and then Click 'Next'.

c. Enter in your Geography and then Click 'Next'.

d. Determine what demographics you want to include - everything that is available is listed down the left side of the screen. 'Click' on the demographic desired. The right side of the screen will show the options available for the demographic. Check the boxes that work for your count. If you need multiple selects select your next demographic and repeat the process until you have all the demographics you need. To the far right of the screen a grey box will show you all the demographics you chose. When you are done Click 'Next' - the last demographic you chose will now appear in the grey box.

e. Click on the 'Name Search' (Optional) tab just below the 'Congratulations' statement. You can use the Search Name field for an Order Name and the Search Description field for the PO number - Click 'Save'. Just below these fields a red 'Save Complete!' will show to indicate that you are good to move on. These fields will carry over to the order.

f. You can decide to order all records or you can reduce to a specific quantity. You will also be able to decide if you want the list for one time use or multiple use - once that is indicated Click 'Next'.

g. On the Order Options page you can select File Format, Text Casing, and File Compression via the drop down boxes. The fields that will output have check boxes filled in. Once you have completed this process click 'Next'.

h. The order will start processing and you will receive an email when it is ready to download.

i. When you are finished just Logout.

The list portal does not provide an all-inclusive list of demographics that are available due to space limitations (i.e. real property, vehicle, buying activity, life events). Please contact Jean if you have specific needs, and we can process and provide your counts.


Online List Policy

MAILER can expect to be contacted by Midwest Direct once they have finished the online registration form to complete the process and establish terms to utilize our online tool.

MAILER shall not disclose, transfer, duplicate, reproduce, append, or revise the rented mailing list in any form or format or permit any third party or agent to do so except in the data processing activities necessary to obtain the name and address records in usable form for the said mailing. This clause prohibits using the names in any type of modeling or inclusion in any “cooperative” database.

MAILER is able to retain the name and addresses of those parties who are a responder or become a customer of the MAILER as a result of the authorized mailing.

MAILER acknowledges that Midwest Direct does not warrant the accuracy, deliverability or reliability of the data or that the MAILER will achieve any particular response or results by using any list, service or recommendation of Midwest Direct. Each order is furnished “as is” and should be properly reviewed by MAILER before use. Acceptable discrepancy rate is 10% of order quantity.

MAILER is hereby notified that rented consumer phone lists have been processed against the Do Not Call (DNC) files at the time of purchase. However, the up keep is the responsibility of the MAILER as the process is only valid for a period of 30 days. MAILER understands that it, not Midwest Direct, shall be responsible for any fines, penalties or legal judgments levied against the MAILER for use of phone, fax or e-mail data provided by Midwest Direct.

MAILER agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Midwest Direct from any and all claims, damages, or losses of any kind (including reasonable attorney's fees), however incurred, resulting from the use of the list by MAILER.

This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Ohio, USA without regard to conflict of laws principles. This Agreement supersedes all written or oral prior agreements and understandings.